My Fitness journey…. So far

Before children, I had very little interest in excersise or keeping fit. It looked way too much effort and nobody I spoke to about it seemed to really enjoy it. I have always been quite lucky with a trim figure and maybe a higher metabolism so burned off fat quite quick so never felt the need to do much excersise. Walking the dog was as much as I’d ever done. 

People say your body changes when you have children and of course its true but since having the boys I’ve definitely become more aware of the way I look. I gained 2 stone with Clark and got back to being 8lb off my pre pregnancy weight before falling pregnant with Cain where I didn’t gain as much but took longer to shift afterwards. 

When returning to work I had to work alongside Aaron, who is a fitness instructor as well as a barber. After speaking to him about a few things i eventually plucked up the courage to go along to one of their classes and I’ve never looked back. I’ve had a few PT sessions with Tara, Aaron’s wife. She helped bulid my confidence higher when using gym equipment and about myself so I was able to go alone. Now I can’t say I’m a pro but i can actually do the classes a little easier now and have much better upper body strength compared to when I started where I had none. (I’ve actually got muscles in my arms now! – love them!!!) 

I go to classes at least twice a week and up to 4 times if I can make them. I prefer the classes to excersising alone as its great to meet new people and achieve new things alongside others. 

I find excersise a release for me when I’ve had a bad day with the boys and helps takes my mind off worries too. I like to think I eat healthier now and I do try but I’m a sucker for puddings and chocolate. I don’t eat them every day but I still don’t deny myself of them either (chocolate also relieves stress ๐Ÿ˜ along with wine ๐Ÿทwhich is good for the mind ๐Ÿ˜‰) 

I’ll continue to push myself so I become a hot mumma!! I need to be fit to run after them. With Cain now walking, I’ll have 2 monsters to run after now. ๐Ÿ˜…

My before and now pictures are below 

Michelle x

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